Thursday, April 18, 2013


I've lost the ability to reckon with my reasoning
holding onto today's comfort just because it's there
Maybe it's gone away, but I'll never know because quite frankly I don't care

Drowning in a sea of caffeinated beverages, procrastinating appendages do nothing for my image
Failing to punctuate, just swimming in a sea promoting shrinkage

Desperate for the yellow, the notes that tell me hello
Orange, rosemary, juice and marjoram
But even if I never get around to making jam
The basement still beckons me, that fellow that I never see

Writing just for giggles
My drawings look like squiggles
Knowing that they're worse than Monday after Sunday's rain

This chicken is over-seasoned
Too salty, that's the reason
Baked at 350 just like your mother said

Going back to messy head
Jumping out of my twin bed
Falling to the ground below
Just like this fucking April snow


  1. I really like this :) Especially the first three lines. I've a feeling those caffeinated drinks weren't flavored coffee?
