Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Brain

There are times I convince myself that I like living in the land of unrest. It's this crazy place where everything seems to be nocturnal, even the sunrise. Once a frog came up to me and licked my shoe at three in the morning while I was walking down University in search for a milkshake. We smiled at each other and I pointed him in the direction of the nearest Super America. It wasn't until I crossed Cretin that I realized he was wearing a pair of Converse.

If it smells like trash it probably is trash, although I can't smell my thoughts so I'm not quite sure how to properly judge them. When I'm feeling creative I make a steak and try to eat it with a butter knife, and I leave the steak sauce in the fridge to help stir imagination. Often I find myself contemplating how different my life would be had I made alternate life choices. What if instead I was an architect or a nurse? Maybe I never went to college and smoked joints in a studio apartment all day? Or perhaps I became a lesbian that lived in the suburbs and drank iced tea on Sunday? Better yet, what if I was the person that got to name streets in a new town? I bet everyone would want to be my friend.

Sometimes the clock moves too slow. I'll stare at it just sitting there up on the wall and I'll yell a little bit. It never responds, but if it could I'm sure it would tell me to quit yelling. There are certain Mondays that I'll bring my yells to the local bar and secretly yell everything I say. Most people think I'm just talking, but I'm laughing inside from yelling so much. I try not to yell on Tuesdays because the vibe of the world is just so much different than Monday.

When it's yesterday from this Wednesday I plan on drinking tall beers while I sit outside on my front step and watch the cars go by. I might drink wine straight from the bottle, but either way I'll be working on drinking. Anything to get rid of this Monday Brain.

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