Monday, May 6, 2013

I hate flavored coffee more than anything

There was a night were I tossed and turned throughout my so-called sleep, and when I woke in the morning I felt like summer even though it was clearly spring. It was a night filled with intense dreams and vivid colors - something I haven't experienced in quite some time.

While at work I ended up breaking down completely. Provoked by MOBS my attitude changed from quiet to bawdy as I began vomiting curse words and raising my voice. It wasn't until I ran outside of the building that I realized I was desperate for air, and as soon as I finally got a good breath of air I started crying. Another morning where tears are my alarm clock.

Often when my thoughts start to overcome me I'll aimlessly browse Amazon for items I might like to purchase. I'll load up my cart with numerous objects, and right before I'm ready to click "purchase" I'll log out. Sometimes I'll rifle through the medicine chest hoping to find something to comfort me, and when I find nothing I'll go watch TV. I'm perplexed by my own wandering, enough so to write it down... even if it isn't always the complete story.

One day I'm sure I'll write it all, but I just have to figure out how. Perhaps it'll be easier after a bottle of wine.


  1. Have you ever "accidentally" purchased everything in one of your binge shopping cart endeavors?

    I think you should write all the things!

    1. One time I got drunk and ordered astronaut food. It was the best drunk purchase ever.

      Someday, I shall write all the things.

    2. I actually think I recall you being quite excited (and posting pictures) when said astronaut food arrived lol
